Foods to keep your vietnam hair healthy

Supplements of nuts, seeds, yogurt, omega-3 fatty fish, brown rice help to overcome the condition of the vietnam hair.

When your vietnam hair is dry, thin, break easily, you often look for hair care cosmetics. However, shiny hair needs to incorporate nutrients reasonable because cosmetics only help beautiful hair on the surface. Each month the length of the hair is about 0.5-1.5 cm, so should be nutritional supplement in the diet to healthy hair.

Fatty fish: Contains omega-3 fatty acids is a very important fatty acids, not only good for the heart of the eye but also help synthesize the essential vitamins for the hair. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for a healthy scalp. Without it, the dry scalp and hair will also grow out of the vietnam hair.

Fish containing omega-3 fatty acids are salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna and oysters. Salmon is also good for zinc. The amount of zinc in salmon is much higher than other sources. Zinc solves many problems of hair like hair loss, scalp. Foods rich in zinc such as oysters, oysters, shellfish, pork, beef, poultry, liver, radish, peas, soybeans, egg yolks

Brown Rice: Rich in fiber and vitamins, especially vitamins E and B. Rich in high quality protein, brown rice makes your vietnam hair healthier, against harmful external factors that affect your vietnamese hair every day. like sunlight, chemicals, air pollution ... Many studies have shown that the nutrients found in brown rice are a natural remedy for hair growth.

Green vegetables: Good for health, green vegetables also help long hair. Dark green vegetables (kale, cauliflower, spinach, spinach) provide vitamins and nutrients, while also containing iron, which is important for the formation of red blood cells. capillaries, stimulate the growth of hair. In addition, vitamin C and A are abundant in dark green vegetables to protect the scalp, increasing the number of hair follicles. Vitamin A helps protect and moisturize the oily skin. Vitamin A deficiency causes itchy scalp and dandruff.

Varieties: The excellent source of protein from the beans provides unbelievable health and hair benefits. Beans not only provide protein for hair growth but also iron, zinc, biotin (lack of brittle and brittle biotin). Iron is important for helping red blood cells carry oxygen to the hair follicles. Iron deficiency causes vietnam hair loss.

Good beans for the hair are soybeans, red beans, black beans, lentils, green beans. Take three cups (about 100 ml per cup) of beans each week. Only one cup of soy milk daily can provide most of the nutrients needed to combat oxidation, promote regeneration and stimulate hair growth. The magnesium rich source in the bean activates the enzymes of the scalp, resolving the imbalance that causes hair to fall off over time.

Water and yogurt: Yogurt provides casein, a high quality protein and calcium to keep your vietnam hair healthy and full of vitality. Drinking enough water every day for 2-2.5 liters will help keep the hair moist.

Nuts: The nuts contain alpha-linolenic acid, omega-3 fatty acids help hair grow well and shine.

Eggs: Contains more vitamin B12 and biotin, providing better protein for the body and making the hair healthier.

Carrots: A good source of vitamin A, healthy scalp and well-developed vietnam hair.

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