How to brew Vietnam remy hair with beer and eggs

How to brew Vietnam remy hair with beer and eggs, hair out of fall, mushroom grow with two familiar materials. Hair loss, damage, dryness due to physiological factors or chemicals such as pressure, dyeing. Persist using this formula to incubate hair for 1-2 weeks, your Vietnam remy hair will quickly fall off, smooth, healthy, hair grows fast.

Preparation of ingredients for brewing Vietnam hair:
- 2 chicken eggs.
1-2 glasses of beer.

Make annealing with beer and chicken eggs:
- Wash your hair with a can of beer, massage the scalp for 5 minutes and then rinse with water.
- Egg smashed into the cup, pour the beer stirred into a paste mixture on the hair from the legs to the hair. Wrap a towel around your head, leave the hair for 15-20 minutes and rinse it off with clean water.
- 1 week to make the hair in this way 2-3 times for hair to quickly regain vitality, smoothness, hair loss also terminated, the faster the hair growth rate.
- In addition to the way you can use egg white mixture and yogurt to make a mixture of hair. Just mix 1 egg white and 40ml yogurt and apply to the Vietnam hair, massage lightly. After 20 minutes, wash your hair with water. Performed twice a week, the hair will shine and fall off.

- You need to use fresh beer made from barley - because this is the beer that contains the best protein for hair.
- Want to smell the beer on your hair after use, you add a few drops of essential oil or lemon to the beer, while improving the effect of Vietnam remy hair care and fragrance.

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